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  3. 台風11号接近に伴うお知らせ


  • 2022.09.02





1. ホテル館内施設の営業時間及び営業箇所が変更になる場合もございます予めご了承下さいませ。
2. お客様の安全を考慮し、客室のご移動をお願いする場合がございます。
3. 台風により停電になった場合は非常灯が点灯し、自家発電への切り替え完了後に天井非常照明が点灯致します。
4. 自家発電使用中はテレビとDVDデッキ以外の電気機器はご利用いただけません。
5. 客室に設置しておりますタブレット、または館内非常放送にてご案内する場合がございます。



グランディスタイル 沖縄読谷 ホテル&リゾート

Dear Valued Guest

As typhoon approaches Okinawa, please beware of heavy rain, storm surges, tidal waves, and strong winds.
We would greatly appreciate it if we could have your cooperation and understanding regarding the following.

【Precautions Against Typhoon】
1. Hotel staff may move the balcony furniture to a safe place or into the guest room during your stay. We will contact you in advance in case the hotel staff was asked not to disturb you at the guest room. However, when we deem it necessary to move the furniture immediately, we may take the liberty of entering your room without your permission even if you were not in your room and we were unable to contact you beforehand.
2. Hotel staff may tape and close the part of ventilating opening to prevent the outside air from flowing into the room due to the strong wind.
3. When the hotel deems it dangerous, we will make an announcement to ask that you refrain from leaving the guest rooms. Also, please be aware that the automated sliding doors may be operated manually.
4. Please refrain from using an umbrella when going outside as the wind may be too strong and dangerous.
5. Please be extra careful when opening and closing the doors to the balcony in your room.
6. Please do not remove the towels around the balcony doors, which may be placed to prevent water from coming into the room.
7. Because guestroom entrance doors and hallway doors may be hard to open due to strong wind, please use caution when opening and closing them. Please be extra cautious when you are with small children as they could be seriously injured.
8. Due to safety reasons, we may ask that you move to a different room.
9. In any case of power outage, we have emergency lights both in the rooms and hallways that will automatically turn on and some of the fluorescent lights in the hallways which will be on as well. Televisions will also be working and you will be able to find a flashlight in the closet for your convenience. We strongly advise you not to use the hairdryers in case of any power failures.

【Cancel of Operations】
There are cases where operations will be halted due to inclement weather forecasts.
The Swimming Pool, garden will be closed due to a nearby typhoon.

【Cleaning for your room】
As the hotel is within a storm zone, for the purpose of preventing accidents and prioritizing our guests’ safety, we may decide not to clean the guestrooms. Your understanding and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the front desk.

General Manager